An Dong Maitreya Hill morning lesson

A guide on Sutra recitation

Meditate for 3 minutes ,regulate your breathing, focus on your mind

Eye focus on the sutra, finger points on the sutra, recite the sutra, listen to the sutra, mind concentration, breath naturally and unhurriedly.

Sutra begins in your heart, clearly and peacefully

Sutra passes your eyes, with clarity

Sutra comes out from your mouth , clear words and sound

Sutra enter your ears , clearly

Sutra enter your conscience, and clearly heard.

2020/09/29 (二) 真人靜坐,妙用無窮之13——好比說站在這裡,我們練太極拳的,提肛吊頂。什麼叫肛?肛門的肛。站在那個地方要提起來,兩膀下垂,氣貫丹田。現在坐著就是坐工,氣在肚臍上,沉不下去。我們打坐就是這個,二目守玄,二人守一土,你立著也好,坐著也好,經常時時就是這樣,真正打坐的時辰:子、午、卯、酉。早上起來坐,十二點坐,下午六點鐘坐,夜裡十二點坐。我們得有證據,我們得道了,得這一指點,這一指點的妙處在什麼地方?點道點玄嘛!道德經上頭一段寫的:「有欲觀其竅,無欲觀其妙」,我們剛一打坐,氣沉不下去,非得什麼樣呢?屁往後一點,兩膀一鬆,佛經講「忘了」,忘了你自己了,什麼也不管了,氣自然就往小肚子下去了,氣自然貫丹田,道法自然嘛!所謂的「道法自然」,也就是聖人所說的「存心養性」,養我們的天性,佛祖說的「明心見性」,我們受這一點就叫明心,按著天理去做就叫見性。

(二) 真人靜坐,妙用無窮之 (13)

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白水老人慈語:好比說站在這裡,我們練太極拳的, 提肛吊頂。什麼叫肛?肛門的肛。
It's like standing here; we practice tai chi, uplifting our head and stabilize our bottom.

◈ 站在那個地方要提起來,兩膀下垂,氣貫丹田。現在坐著就是坐工,氣在肚臍上,沉不下去。
While standing, we must stabilize while relaxing our shoulders, and let the chi flow through the dantian. While medidating, the chi will be above the navel, and cannot flow below further.

That's what we're mediating with, two eyes to focus on the portal, two people to guarding the land. You can mediate while standing or sitting.

◈ 真正打坐的時辰:子、午、卯、酉。早上起來坐,十二點坐,下午六點鐘坐,夜裡十二點坐。
◈ Periods that is suitable for meditation: 05:00-07:00, 11:00-13:00, 17:00-19:00, and 23:00-01:00.

我們得有證據,我們得道了,得這一指點,這一指點的妙處在什麼地方? 點道點玄嘛!
We've got proof, we've got the Tao, we've received the guidance. So what's so wonderful about this guidance? It's the portal that we received during Tao transmission!

Sit back a bit, two shoulders relaxed, the Buddhist scriptures said "forget", forget your own, and to be carefree

The Chi will naturally flow down the navel and towards the dantian. Tao follows through naturally!

The so-called "Tao obeys nature", which is what saints call "cultivation", and fosters our nature, as Buddha said of "mindfulness",

When we receive this, it's called mindfulness, and it's called insight according to nature.

The beauty of scripture -the Chapter of the Lotus Sutra: Peaceful Practices

經云:「何謂安樂行,身無危險故安, 心無憂惱故樂,身心安樂故能進行。」
Sutra:「What is a peaceful practice? There is no danger in the body so it is safe, the mind is free from worries, so happiness, and the mind and body are peaceful so that it can proceed.」

什麼是安樂行?「安」是身體不陷於危險境。「樂」是心中沒有憂苦煩惱, 口離惡語,善修心法。
What is a peaceful practices?「Safety」means that the body is not in danger.「 Happiness 」 means that there is no worries and troubles in the heart, distancing from gossip, and good practice of mind.

「行」是能實踐身口意三業清淨, 便得安樂。
「 Walk 」 means to be able to practice the three karma of body, mouth, mind then get peace and happiness.


濟公老師慈悲:「收心才能修心,修心才能清心, 清心就合天心。」
Teacher Jigong's compassion:「 Only by reflecting the mind can one cultivate the mind, cultivating the mind can purify the mind, a pure heart can match the heart of heaven. 」

心若未回歸,心就受外物所動,因此 學道修道重在根本,
If the mind does not return, the mind is affected by the external environment. Therefore, the most important thing is to cultivate.

在起心動念處, 以內功圓外功,以外功去我執,真知 真行,回歸即忘,一切自然。
At the place where one's heart is moved, the inner strength is used to round out the outer strength, and the outer strength is used to remove the ego, and nuture true knowledge, true deeds, return and forget, and everything is natural.


Jigong Living Buddha's kind words: There are temples everywhere, because you have a temple in your heart, and the temple outside is just an image.

但是有了自心佛堂,心燈還要點亮, 才是真正的佛堂。
But if you have a Buddhist temple in your heart, the light of your heart has to be lit, and it is the real Buddhist temple.

對不起 請原諒我
I am sorry,please forgive me

謝謝你 我愛你
Thank you and I love you

Grateful for your advice

Happiness is with those who have a contented heart.

Good fortune, happiness, and contentment in life are with those who are always grateful.

Basic homework:

( 1 ) 叩首 Kow - shou
( 2 ) 讀經 Reading Sutra
( 3 ) 運動 Exercise
( 4 ) 持無字真經 Practicing the Heavenly Password

1. 常來佛堂學好禮節
Come to Temple often and learn the etiquette

2. 渡人吃素清口安壇
Propagate Tao , Being vegetarian diet , Make vegetarian vow , Establish Temple

3. 管好自己改變自己
Self - discipline , change ourselves

心若改變 , 態度就會改變
Changing the mind , the attitude will be altered

態度 改變 , 習慣 就會改變
Changing the attitude , the habits will be altered

習慣改變 , 人生就會改變
Changing habits , the life will be altered

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