An Dong Maitreya Hill morning lesson

A guide on Sutra recitation

Meditate for 3 minutes ,regulate your breathing, focus on your mind

Eye focus on the sutra, finger points on the sutra, recite the sutra, listen to the sutra, mind concentration, breath naturally and unhurriedly.

Sutra begins in your heart, clearly and peacefully

Sutra passes your eyes, with clarity

Sutra comes out from your mouth , clear words and sound

Sutra enter your ears , clearly

Sutra enter your conscience, and clearly heard.

2020/08/31 (四) 您的葫蘆打開了!之3——你們的點傳師右手將你點開,左手再將他關起來,對不對?差矣!差矣!一手把祂打開,一手把祂遮住,是什麼意思呢?右手點開,是告訴你主人在那 裡,我們的正門在那裡,但那是一個門;當你們回家後,是要在門口,或打開門到裡面休息?哪一個笨笨的站在門口説:「我家到了,就在這裡休息。」有否?每一個人都是進來裡面休息的。什麼叫「登堂入室」?你站在門口是修什麼道?我是看你還不明白,所以左手才把你推進去,不要在外面徘徊,是不是?你站在門口納涼嗎?想凊楚啊!

2020/08/31 您的葫蘆打開了!之 (3)

Untitled Document 濟公活佛慈語:你們的點傳師右手將你點開,左手再將他關起來,對不對?差矣!差矣!
Your Tao transmitting master pointed out the portal for you with his right hand, and then closes it again with his left, is that right? That's incorrect!

What does it mean to open it in one hand and cover it in the other? The right-hand points the porta showing you where the real host is and where our main door is,

But that's just a door; when it's time for us to go home, do you want to rest outside the door, or open the door and go inside for rest?

Who would be as ignorant to say, "My home has arrived, and I shall rest outside." Everyone would like to rest inside the house.

What it meant to "enter the room"? What Tao are you cultivating when you're just standing at the door? I see you still don't fully understand, so the master used his/her left hand to push you into the house so you are no longer waiting outside.

是不是?你站在門口納涼嗎? 想清楚啊!
Isn't it? What are you doing resting at the door? You must understand!


以前有一個懶禪和尚,他在學道的 時候非常懶惰,懶惰人能不能成道? (不能)
There was a lazy Zen monk. When he was learning Tao , he was very lazy. Can lazy people become enlightened? (NO)

Although they can't, but one day the lazy monk was enlightened by the master and became very hardworking. After he had his epiphany, do you know what he did?

He ran a hundred miles every day to beg for alms and went back to support those who are not enlightened. Do you know what it means?

這叫做了解的人才是應該服務、 體恤眾生是嗎?眾生原是天上來的,
This is called people who are enlightened understand that humans should serve and be sympathetic to sentient beings. Is it? All sentient beings came from heaven,

So when you are enlightened, it's the time you start to do it, right? Besides, we are not enlightened yet!


明心見性,見性成佛,是頓悟的法門, 是一超直入如來地的法門。
Seeing one's nature clearly and becoming a Buddha are the methods of enlightenment. It's a super straightforward way to Tathagata.

In short, understanding the mind is to understand one's own bodhicitta, Seeing nature is to see one's own true heart and nature. Once you realize your mind and nature, you shorten the time for enlightenment.


The holiness of receiving Tao. The right-hand shows you where the real master resides;

Since you still don't understand, so the left-hand push you to enter that door so you don't wander outside.

對不起 請原諒我
I am sorry,please forgive me

謝謝你 我愛你
Thank you and I love you

Grateful for your advice

Happiness is with those who have a contented heart.

Good fortune, happiness, and contentment in life are with those who are always grateful.

Basic homework:

( 1 ) 叩首 Kow - shou
( 2 ) 讀經 Reading Sutra
( 3 ) 運動 Exercise
( 4 ) 持無字真經 Practicing the Heavenly Password

1. 常來佛堂學好禮節
Come to Temple often and learn the etiquette

2. 渡人吃素清口安壇
Propagate Tao , Being vegetarian diet , Make vegetarian vow , Establish Temple

3. 管好自己改變自己
Self - discipline , change ourselves

心若改變 , 態度就會改變
Changing the mind , the attitude will be altered

態度 改變 , 習慣 就會改變
Changing the attitude , the habits will be altered

習慣改變 , 人生就會改變
Changing habits , the life will be altered

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