
An Dong Maitreya Hill morning lesson

A guide on Sutra recitation

Meditate for 3 minutes ,regulate your breathing, focus on your mind

Eye focus on the sutra, finger points on the sutra, recite the sutra, listen to the sutra, mind concentration, breath naturally and unhurriedly.

Sutra begins in your heart, clearly and peacefully

Sutra passes your eyes, with clarity

Sutra comes out from your mouth , clear words and sound

Sutra enter your ears , clearly

Sutra enter your conscience, and clearly heard.

2020/08/05 調心的方法之1——於念念生滅中清楚了知降伏妄念的下手處,這便是三寶心法。蓮女慈語:現在的人大部分都是「內動盪、外複雜」,所以現在要來學習「內調心、外簡化」,讓我們的心境再重新調整一下,不要有太雜的思慮,洗刷貪慾、雜思,讓我們達到一個言語清淨、心性清靜、心靈光明的境地。三官大帝慈語:如何「降伏妄念、常明覺念」,實是現今修子的生死關鍵!當今明師所傳的真經,是降魔伏邪的大明咒,是脫離一切苦厄的大清淨咒。修子若能明白其中體用妙意,在 妄念不能被降伏的時候,只要誠誠懇懇地持這真經,默念數遍,妄念頓時無影無蹤。


Method to adjust our heart

Being mindful of each emergence and disappearance of our thoughts is the start of reducing them; practicing of the three treasures being the method.

Most of the people today experience "inner turmoil, faces complexity externally", therefore seeks to learn how to "adjustment internally and simplify the external,"

Let us readjust our state of mind, do not have too sporadic thinking, and remove all greed and desire. Let us reach a clear and quiet state.

How to "reduce delusion and achieve mindful enlightenment" is the life and death mission of today's Tao practitioners.

當今明師所傳的真理,是降魔伏邪的 大明咒,是脫離一切苦厄的大清淨咒。修子若能明白其中體用妙意,在妄念 不能被降伏的時候,
When the sacred truth is passed on by the teachers, that is the sutra that can repel evil and lead us out of the sea of suffering. If one understand and experience the meaning of it,

只要誠誠懇懇地持這真經,默念數遍, 妄念頓時無影無蹤。
one can sincerely recite the sacred sutra and it will cure all frustration and delusion.

The Great Learning: Chapter 5, Explanations for Extension of the Knowledge of Our Nature

Be cautious of things in concealment as evil stem from the motive. Restore the conscience and reach the ultimate reason.

一個有道德修養的君子,不僅心念不動, 且能在起心動念之前回歸,使念頭不起, 恢復靈性的良知良能,達到真、善、美的境界。
A morally cultivated superior not only is his thoughts unmoved, but when it does, he can quickly return to calmness. His thoughts are returned to nothingness, back to the state of purity.

Because people believe that the original text of the chapter: the chapter on the knowledge of our nature withing The Great Learning is missing.

In the 36th year of the Republic of China, Lu Zu explained through a medium on the true skill of the inner sanctuary.

The kind words of Lu Zu's shows the importance of「Be cautious about things in concealment, curb intention and evil from motivation」Baiyang disciples realize the three treasures of self- nature,

格其心物,不執著於外相,以致其良知者, 乃內聖功也。
self-nature is not affected by external objects, and is not attached to external appearances, so that those who have a conscience have the inner holy power.


When the water is crystal clear, there is no fish in it. When a man is sharply observant, he has no friends with him.

Some people like to show their talents in front of others and like to be recognized and appreciated.

但是爭名、爭利、爭掌聲的人, 道不在他們身上,越是謙虛、和氣,凡事都肯虛心學習的人,他的身上才具白陽弟子的道氣。
But for those who compete for fame, profit, and applause, the Tao is not on them. The more modest, kind, and willing to learn everything, he has the Tao's righteousness of Bai Yang disciple.


The kind words of the Buddha: Cultivators are cultivating truly. One that is truly cultivating is to cultivate a true heart.

True heart is true empty heart. True emptiness and wonderful existence, movement and stillness are same, making practical use of truth is the so-called 「 real cultivation」.

對不起 請原諒我
I am sorry,please forgive me

謝謝你 我愛你
Thank you and I love you

Grateful for your advice

Happiness is with those who have a contented heart.

Good fortune, happiness, and contentment in life are with those who are always grateful.

Basic homework:

( 1 ) 叩首 Kow - shou
( 2 ) 讀經 Reading Sutra
( 3 ) 運動 Exercise
( 4 ) 持無字真經 Practicing the Heavenly Password

1. 常來佛堂學好禮節
Come to Temple often and learn the etiquette

2. 渡人吃素清口安壇
Propagate Tao , Being vegetarian diet , Make vegetarian vow , Establish Temple

3. 管好自己改變自己
Self - discipline , change ourselves

心若改變 , 態度就會改變
Changing the mind , the attitude will be altered

態度 改變 , 習慣 就會改變
Changing the attitude , the habits will be altered

習慣改變 , 人生就會改變
Changing habits , the life will be altered

【首頁】【經典】【三寶修持】【天然師尊】【老師的話】【論語】【孝經 】【故事】【園區】【生活】【文化】【養生】【素食】【環保】