
An Dong Maitreya Hill morning lesson

A guide on Sutra recitation

Meditate for 3 minutes ,regulate your breathing, focus on your mind

Eye focus on the sutra, finger points on the sutra, recite the sutra, listen to the sutra, mind concentration, breath naturally and unhurriedly.

Sutra begins in your heart, clearly and peacefully

Sutra passes your eyes, with clarity

Sutra comes out from your mouth , clear words and sound

Sutra enter your ears , clearly

Sutra enter your conscience, and clearly heard.

2020/06/27(5)體念親心, 即時行孝道之16——有的子女雖然天天在道場修辦,覺得來佛堂很好,也想要清口,可是父母親不答應,這時你們有否想過,是不是你們自己沒把當兒女應盡的責任做好,脾氣毛病也沒改,所以成全自己家人才變得不容易啊?妳們身為坤道的,既然嫁為人婦,就要知道行功積善的德澤是可以庇蔭到娘家、助益夫家的。希望賢弟妹們都能把握父母在世時,多行功積德,而不是等到父母歸了,才到廟裡請尼姑、和尚來唸經,替他們做功德。如果父母早歸又未求道,更應當行功積德迴向給他們,再超拔他們。知道嗎?

(5)體念親心,即時行孝道 之16
Understanding parents' intentions, and to act filial piety-16

Even though some people feel that Tao is good and are practicing and learning in the Tao society everyday; they want to Ching Ko, but the parents won't allow.

Have it ever occurred to you at this point that it might be because you have not put your best effort into being filial, nor have you change your bad habits

所以成全自己家人才變得不容易啊? 妳們身為坤道的,既然嫁為人婦, 就要知道行功積善的德澤是可以庇 蔭到娘家、助益夫家的。
So it's not easy to encourage your family? As a married women, continuing doing good deeds is a sure way to intangibly help the family

I hope that the brothers and sisters can cherish the time with their parents and do more work of virtue.

Don't wait until the parents have passed away, then ask the temple to invite nuns and monks to recite the sutra and do some work and merit for them.

If the parents died very early and did not receive Tao, it is even more important to do the deeds and merit for them in order to transcend their spirits, do you understand?

經典-禮記‧祭義 《Liji. Ji Yi》 曾子曰:「君子之所謂孝者,先意承志,諭父母於道。」
Zeng-zi said:「What the superior man calls filial piety requires the anticipation of our parents' wishes, the carrying out of their aims and their instruction in the path (of duty).」

曾子認為盡孝應當體察父母的心意, 在父母未吩咐之前,先替父母辦好,同時在做了之後,要使父母明白那是做人的大道理。
Zeng Zi believed that doing filial piety should be aware of the parents' wishes before your parents tell you to do so; do it for your parents first and then let them understand that this is the principle of life.

Now you have met the master, you must help your parents with sincerity to understand the wisdom of the three treasures minds; and to practice it as 「using the light and reflecting upon one's wisdom」.

省思  Reflection

1. 孝為人倫之始,大道之基,一個 懂得孝順父母的人,才懂得如何體貼別人, 與眾生結善緣。
Filial piety is the beginning of human relations, the foundation of the great Tao. A person who knows how to be filial to his parents would knows how to be considerate of others, and to be kind to all beings.

2. 行孝三步曲反思自己做到哪一步。第一步:盡口體之養,行順親之心。
Practise filial piety trilogy, reflect on which step you have done. The first step: support your parents as much as possible and obey their wishes.

3. 立身行道,揚名於後, 以顯父母,此乃孝之終也。
When we have established our character by the practice of the (filial) course, so as to make our name famous in the future and thereby glorify our parents, this is the end of filial piety.

唱母親的歌 遊子吟 母親的手 時間都去哪兒了慈母手中線 遊子身上衣
Sing mother's song, song of the wanderer, mother's hand, where did all the time go? Thread in the hand of a compassionate mother clothes on the wandering son

臨行密密縫 意恐遲遲歸誰言寸草心 報得三春暉
just before his departure she sewed closely in her mind worrying about his late return Who would said that the heart of inch-high grass could reply the sunshine of deepest spring

結論 Conclusion

鄭成功結緣訓: Zheng Chenggong's Encouragement;

Able to seek Tao in this life is because you have cultivated in the past three generations.

Able to meet Dharma this life because of the practice of the past five. Lived in a Buddhist temple in this life because of the practice of seven. Able to Ching Ko in this life because of the past ten years of practice.

不要說難,不要說忙, 說難說忙難躲無常。
Don't say hard, don't say busy; no matter how hard or busy you say, you can't escape impermanence.

對不起 請原諒我
I am sorry,please forgive me

謝謝你 我愛你
Thank you and I love you

Grateful for your advice

Happiness is with those who have a contented heart.

Good fortune, happiness, and contentment in life are with those who are always grateful.

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