第一條 尊敬仙佛
1. Revere the Buddhas:
The Tao is real, the Truth is real, the Heavenly Decree is real, therefore the Buddhas are also real. If any of the above is not real, the rest would also be false. Since we are cultivating ourselves with serious intent, we cannot be disrespectful to the Buddhas. We revere them as if they are present. If our hearts are in the right place, the Buddhas will always be with us.
第二條 遵前提後
2. Respect the seniors and mentor the novices:
In Tao cultivation, we all have people who went before us and those who follow after us. We should defer to the virtues of the senior cultivators and listen to their teachings. We should also look after new Tao cultivators, and patiently guide them on the right path.
第三條 齋莊中正
3. Be restrained, dignified, centered and principled:
We should restrain and discipline ourselves, act with proper dignity, hold to the center, and maintain principles without compromise.
第四條 循規蹈矩
4. Follow rules and observe boundaries:
Following rules can make one well-rounded. Observing boundaries can make one morally upright. If we follow all the rules in the Tao, we can cultivate without crossing boundaries, and become the honorable person who can be both well-rounded and morally upright.
第五條 責任負起
5. Accept responsibilities:
Since we are Tao cultivators, we have a heavenly task to be benevolent. We need to take on this responsibility with sincerity, so that we would not be remiss in our duties.
第六條 重聖輕凡
6. Emphasize the divine over the mundane:
Enlightened people all understand that the greater whole is the most important, while personal affairs are not as important. That is why we must emphasize the divine over the mundane. Although we usually spend more time on mundane matters than divine duties, we need to make sure that mundane will not interfere with the divine.
第七條 謙恭和藹
7. Be courteous and kind:
If we can be humble and courteous to the older generation, we will receive the benefit of their teachings. If we can be nurturing and kind to the younger generation, we will earn their love and respect.
第八條 勿棄聖訓
仙佛慈悲,不可以拋棄,不可以輕視, 明白書訓或經書的真意。依訓實行
8. Do not discard the sacred admonitions:
The messages written by the Buddhas are to be valued and cherished. They must never be discarded. Keep them with care, for they have the power to protect us against being tested by temptations.
第九條 莫著形相
9. Do not obsess over appearances:
If we are too attached to appearance, it will tie us down and keep us from being able to transcend beyond. If it is the Truth, we should have faith in it; if it is the Tao, we should advance upon it; if it is the Heavenly Decree, we should revere it. Nothing else matters.
第十條 手續必清
10. Keep all procedures transparent:
When we work with financial accounts, we must keep everything clear. When we manage our work, we must keep everything organized.
第十一條 出告反面
11. Departing and returning:
We should let the seniors know before going on a journey, and ask for their words of advice. We should also let them know when we return safely, so they wouldn't worry about us.
第十二條 不亂系統
12. Do not disrupt the system:
Our Golden Thread system maintains order, so that leaders and followers never overstep their boundaries. This is a principle that runs through everything we do.
第十三條 愛惜公物
13. Protect public property:
Items meant for public use, such as books to be given away, belong to everyone. They come from the resources donated by fellow Tao cultivators. Let us not be stingy when we use them for a good cause. At the same time, when it is not necessary to use them, we should not waste anything, not even a needle or a thread.
第十四條 活潑應事
14. Be lively in handling affairs:
Being energetic and upbeat is natural for the positive mind. When we work on tasks in the Tao, we should value this active, dynamic approach. When we sense there is something missing or imperfect, we should have the initiative to take action and find solutions.
第十五條 謹言慎行
15. Be cautious in words and actions:
If we remain quiet when we should say something, we may miss the chance to communicate. If we talk when we should remain quiet, we may miscommunicate. A man of honor does make such mistakes. He proceeds cautiously, as if standing by a cliff or over thin ice, because he understands that loose talk and improper conduct can lead to failure.